
Innovation & Sustainability

Environment >

The pressing environmental challenges of today have developed an urgent need for every business to incorporate environmental regulations to their processes and contribute to the achievement of global environmental goals. As a renewable energy business, it’s our ultimate objective to promote low-carbon and resource-efficient solutions, so that we achieve climate stability and pollution-free future for all. Our environmental practices are established based upon the United Nations Environmental Programme, which is aimed at finding solutions to solve the triple planetary crisis – this century’s most dangerous health threat that includes climate change, air pollution and biodiversity loss.
We are committed to incorporating the Sustainable Development Goals to each aspect of our business, with the goal of accomplishing environmental sustainability. The United Nations urges businesses to take bold actions to achieve the SDGs. As for Enerso, we are working on developing innovative solutions and implementing the SDGs in order to contribute to the 2030 Agenda, which is underpinned by universality, integration and innovation. Our business is concentrated around providing solutions that will reduce the greenhouse emissions and address environmental threats. The UNEP claims that greenhouse gas emissions in Azerbaijan have shown stagnant pattern over the years between 1990 and 2018. In this regard, we aim to achieve a diminishing pattern, for which, we develop solutions that help companies develop solar power plants.

Sustainable development goals >

Sustainable development goals > As a renewable energy business, we recognize the significance of contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals, developed by the United Nations. Our business particularly focuses on Goal 7 and 13. Goal 7 – Affordable and clean energy. Affordable, reliable and clean energy has never been more important than now. According to the UN, the share of renewables in total final energy consumption is only 17,7%, as per 2019. Companies need to speed up the progress in energy efficiency in order to achieve global climate goals. Taking this into account, Enerso’s business scope primarily concentrates on ensuring everyone’s access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, modern and clean energy through solar power plants.
Goal 13 – Climate action. The UN calls everyone to take urgent action to fight climate change and its impacts. Energy-related carbon emissions increased by 6% in 2021, reaching its highest level ever. Enerso takes every necessary action to guarantee that we are also part of this challenge, which is becoming more crucial every day. By developing renewable energy business in the region, we strive to participate in keeping the window to avoid climate catastrophe open as much as possible.

Safety >

Safety is the top priority for us in every scope of our business. We recognize the importance of regular assessment of working conditions, mitigating potential risks and taking necessary measures to ensure healthy, safe and positive environment for our employees and clients – our major stakeholders. We constantly work on improving working conditions and attach extreme importance to high HSE standards. We conduct group-wide HSE programmes, which consist of regular sessions that better the employees’ fundamental understanding in the area. Enerso’s HSE policy is a fundamental framework, through which we manage our activities in a way any occupation injury or environmental impact is prevented. The policy is endorsed by our management, and everyone in the company is encouraged to apply the aspects of HSE policy in their daily work.
Our HSE policy is developed based on various aspects: hazard and risk assessments, inspections, emergency management and company’s objectives. However, one of the fundamentals of our HSE framework is the feedback by our employees. We continuously remind each of our employees to report their concerns that may arise such as unsafe work conditions and unhealthy environment. Although we have an established HSE management system, we are always in search of methods to develop the area. Our HSE team works on structuring clear roles and responsibilities for employees, evolved from local and international safety standards and requirements, company’s priorities, analysis of possible hazards and feedback from all stakeholders.

Corporate Integrity

As integrity is one of our corporate values, we strive to keep ethical standards at the highest, regardless of circumstances. While adhering to our environmental objectives, we ensure that compliance standards are supported as well. Although the world is volatile in terms of rapidly changing regulations and market conditions, we have established a compliance structure that bases our relations with our stakeholders and ensures preservation of our values.

We have built our Ethics & Compliance structure based on Nobel Energy Group’s framework. Our corporate documents are developed in conformity with local and international laws. These documents serve as guide for our employees to have an understanding of actions they need to take in case of conflict of interest, corruption and discrimination.

We refer to Nobel Energy Group’s Code of Conduct and Business Ethics when it comes to Ethics & Compliance. It consists of principles and requirements that demonstrate the Group’s objectives and position in this regard.

Confronting corruption has a particular significance for us, as we consider it as a direct threat to effective governance and healthy business environment. That’s why we have adopted standards based on several legal acts:        

  • Anti-Bribery Act in the United Kingdom, 2010 – Bribery Act 2010 of the United Kingdom
  • Corruption Abroad Act of the United States of America, 1977–Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 of the United States of America
  • 1997 Convention against the Capture of Foreign Officials in the Implementation of International Commercial Agreements – OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, 1997
  • United Nations Convention against Corruption, 2003
  • International standard ISO ABMS 37001: 2016 - ISO 37001: 2016 Anti-Bribery Management Systems
  • ISO 19011 Audit Management Systems Manual – ISO 19011: 2018 Guidelines   for auditing management systems

Our anti-corruption policy shows that we have zero tolerance on any form of corruption such as offering, giving, demanding or receiving bribes.

Enerso fully complies with the Labour Code and encourages equal rights, non-discriminative behavior for all. When it comes to human rights, there are several internal and external documents that we refer to, such as Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The UDHR is a framework that protects human rights universally and is implemented at global and regional levels.

To ascertain that our employees face no discrimination or human rights abuse, we established a hotline ( / +994702994980), to which, each employee is free to express concerns and suspicions. Apart from that, we foster continuous communication and meetings to expand our employee’s understanding of the matter.